Thursday, November 27, 2008


Our first rain in 3 months!

After the Rain

Arizona Thanksgiving

Even on Thanksgiving Day, it's still Spring in Arizona.

Cat Grass

Red Winter Wheat planted a week ago so the cats will have good healthy greens to eat through the winter. We have grown this before and can actually get a crop of wheat out of it. The threshing is the hardest part.
(note the two sweet potatoes growing in the left side of the patch)

Field Greens

This is the "field greens" portion of the garden. The chard is very excited about the rain! You can see the spinach in the center of the pic. There is also romaine and beet greens.


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Friday, November 21, 2008

Comet in Green Bathroom

Which Box is Best?

Garden at One Month Old

Here is the garden at 30 days old. The peas in the background were started two weeks earlier. In the foreground you can see my "field greens", spinach, beets, romaine. The carrots have yet to make an appearance!

Wild Onions

These are the little red "wild" onions that I planted in a pile of dirt before I had the main garden established. The pencil is to show scale. You can see that there are onions and also weeds/grass.

Broccoli in Little Red Wagon

This is the broccoli growing in the wagon. I planted it from starts. One of them was getting nibbled on by an unseen buggie. I read that if bugs think another bug has already established it's domain, they will not land there. That is why I have the metal butterflies hovering over the broccoli. It seems to be working as there is no other leaves have been eaten!